How does it work?
I am looking for a product and it is not available on your website?
We are constantly updating our website by adding more and more items. If you cannot find the product you are looking for, kindly send us an email at with the product details and the quantity required.
Do you ship outside UAE?
Yes, we ship outside UAE. Shipping charges will vary accordingly.
What if the product is wrong or damaged?
If the product supplied is wrong or damaged, you may create a dispute and one of our representative will get in touch with you to resolve the matter.
Why don’t you have the quantity available shown on the site like all the other E-Commerce website?
Our website is a marketplace platform. Many SME companies list their products on our website. Many of these SME companies prefer dealing on first come, first serve basis. Therefore they cannot reserve any items to be sold only through GooXoom. Especially during these difficult times, GooXoom’s aim is to help these SME companies provide an additional platform to showcase and sell their products. They should just be able to sell no matter what platform it is.
Are all the prices accurate and up to date?
We try our level best to update the prices on regular basis. However due to the current global situation most of the suppliers are not able to provide any stable prices. Hence, our "inquire first method" protects the suppliers interest and consumers time.