This voltage stabilizer is popular among users in many countries. Thousands of gas boilers are protected by SUNTEK PR 500 VA voltage regulators. Simple and reliable, fireproof and convenient. We received many different epithets for this model. A 3 year warranty confirms our words and gives the user confidence in the reliability of this equipment.
What can we attract? First is the quality. People are tired of poor quality, of not matching parameters, etc. We went the other way. We do not sell at a low price, we sell at the right price. Install such a voltage regulator in your home and you yourself will understand everything.
And now the facts:
1. Operating range 120-285 volts
2. In the range of 140-270 Volt, the stabilizer fully corresponds to the nominal, it can be seen on the video!
3. The presence of lightning protection allows it to be used in difficult weather conditions in India, the UAE, and African countries.
4. Installed relays in the stabilizer provide up to 100,000 switches each. If each relay switches 20 times a day (a total of 80 times), even with such conditions, the resource will be enough for almost 14 years of work!
Silver on the contacts eliminates their sticking.

The electronic unit of the voltage regulator SUNTEK is a fairly powerful microcontroller, in which the input and output voltage is analyzed and signals are generated to control the stabilizer keys. When forming the control voltage, the microcontroller takes into account the response time of keys and power relays. This allows switching without breaks. As a result, the voltage waveform at the output of the relay stabilizer repeats the shape at the input. SUNTEK voltage regulator will be your network status indicator. If you are interested, follow the state of the network, if you do not have time - the stabilizer will control everything by itself and will give the best option for this situation.
3 year warranty
Graph of voltage stabilizer power versus input voltage.